iPhone Jailbreak / Unlock 3G free Software
iPhone Jailbreak / Unlock 3G free Software

Posted on 22nd Oct
Ha1lst0rm commented on Twitter that he will post more often about his new Jailbreak tool. He also leaves a message he's going to make 5.11 unlock just after his tweet about Ha1lst0rm, and the tool will be called hur1can3.

Baseband 5.11.07

Posted on 30th Oct
New post at the Twitter shows that something will be uploaded as a proof video, scottyatur twit that he will release video at 13:00 friday 30th (GMT). He also says that this is a working unlock for 05.11.07 baseband, doesn't matter which bootloader.


ノイズ キャン セリング ヘッドホン
ノイズ キャン セリング ヘッドホン
Roland からSP-404の後継が登場、SP-555、最強のループサンプリング機能も追加!

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